Monday, December 6, 2010

Life without tech

How long would you be willing to go without any sort of technology (includes computer, cell phone, games, etc.)? What would you do instead?


Maddie H. said...

life without tech:

I would be willing to go as long as I am encouraged to go. I have gone up to a month without my cell phone but it was definitely a difficult task. I can easily go a long time with out a computer. My only set back is that we don’t own a home phone because we all have cell phones so I wouldn’t have a form of contact with anyone unless it was face-to-face.

Andrew C. said...

I would probably go about a month. I have done that before for punishment and it was not easy. All I could really do was sleep, eat, and watch TV. It was extremely boring

Sam K. said...

Life without Tech:

I think I could go at least one month without any technology. I may be over exaggerating a little bit, but I believe I could go a month without technology. I know I rely too much on technology, and I am on the computer and texting way too much. Instead, I would read or play sports. If I find a good book, I get attached and can spend hours reading it. Also, if I would need to get in touch with a friend for homework reasons, I could call their house with my house phone. Most kids nowadays definitely rely too much on technology, and I believe if we all cut back a little bit, we could get so much more accomplished.

Tomas Q said...

Life without Technology

I would be willing to go almost infinitely without technology. Instead, I would read books, more books, some more books, a few more books, and even more books. I would easily replace all of my involvement with technology with reading. Also, I could finally work on some catapults I’ve been trying to finish up. Not to mention all of the extra time I’d have to practice sports. I would have a hard time finding out about what’s going on in my world without internet or phones, though.

Declan M said...

I would be willing to go at least two weeks without any sort of technology. I usually don’t text that much. I usually call people, which I could use my home phone for. I hardly use face book, unless I am chatting with a friend online. Face book only takes up about 5 minutes of my day. Instead of using technology I would be skateboarding a lot. Sometimes I skateboard about 6 hours in a day. I live near a lot of skate parks. I could also draw pictures or read a book. These are productive activities that are healthier for your mind and body than using technology all day.

Jack M. said...

Life without Tech:

I probably could go two to three weeks without any technology. With Facebook, it is not a necessity to me, or anywhere near it. A cell-phone I am usually using, but I do not need that either. For homework, since I couldn’t use a computer like I do now, I could research what I am learning at the library, like people had to do before computers were invented. Instead, I could play sports outside, or even read a book!

Luke E. said...

Life Without Technology
I would be willing to go two to three weeks without technology. It would be tough but there are plenty of other things to do. Other things such as hockey, golf, lacrosse, reading, homework, or even working out. Without technology I would probably be at my dad’s gym or at hockey practice. While at the gym or practice I would be able to see my friends so I wouldn’t have to text or call them.
It wouldn’t be hard at all for me to stop playing video games. I don’t play videogames much even though I have a fifty inch TV to play them on. TV also wouldn’t be hard for me to give up because I don’t watch TV at all really. I come home from school and usually have two hours of homework. Then I eat dinner and after dinner I have hockey practice. Hockey practice is and hour and a half three days a week. After I come home form practice I get something quick to eat and then go to bed. So in the end it wouldn’t be extremely hard for me to give up technology. The only part that might be a little challenging is not using my phone.

farieda said...

“life with out technology”
I probably won’t go very long with out technology because it is a very big part of my daily life. If I had to go with out technology, I would probably research all my paper work by books and handwrite all my documents. Instead of cell phones I would wait till I see that person face to face or if that person is far away I would write a letter. I would go outside or maybe read a book if I don’t have any video games to keep me distracted. I would listen to the radio to get any updates on what is going on in the world or read the news paper.

Sarah R said...

If no school projects came up I could probably go two or three weeks without my laptop, I could last a month without my iPod if I lost the charger. Usually I’d just read a book, or watch TV. I’d have to have a ton of homework to go a whole day without technology or I’d have to be on one of the Smith reunions, where we go camping for a weekend with no technology.

Amber Z. said...

Life without tech:
I think I would be able to last quite a long time without any type of technology. I think I would be able to last awhile because I rarely text or go on the computer. I have lasted months without a cell phone when I broke it last year, so it shouldn’t be any different this year. Most of my time spent on the computer is for homework, so if I were able to go on the computer to type an essay then I think I could do it. Without my cell phone, I would probably use the house phone and interact more face to face with people. I believe living life without technology would make everyone more social and honest. I think this because over the internet, and through texting, people say thing that they wouldn’t say to the persons face. If I were able to last a whole month without any technology, I would be very proud of myself.

Farieda said...

“Life with out technology”
I probably won’t go very long with out technology because it is a very big part of my daily life. If I had to go without technology, I would probably research all my paper work by books and handwrite all my documents. Instead of cell phones I would wait until I see that person face to face or if that person is far away I would write a letter. I would go outside or maybe read a book if I don’t have any video games to keep me distracted. I would listen to the radio to get any updates on what is going on in the world or read the news paper.

Nevi S. said...

In reality, I think today’s generation relies mainly on technology, and I as an individual would probably struggle a bit without having the essential computer for internet. Considering I don’t have a Facebook, using the computer is only for homework related things. Of course, I could go to the library and do my research, but the internet is updated every minute as opposed to the library which changes every few weeks. However, I would be continuing with my usual life. Instead of spending my time staring at a computer screen I would be taking numerous trips to the library and taking good time to handwrite my school assignments. This could help me learn a little bit more about what the people of early generations experienced! Thus, I could do without the internet permanently, but it would be EXTREMELY inconvenient for me.

Chris said...

Life without tech: Personally, I would be able to go without these technology items for a while. I really do not ever use my cell phone, except for emergencies but those rarely ever happen, I do not have a Facebook, My Space, Twitter, Form Spring, AIM, Skype, or an Oovoo. So really I would only ever need my cell phone, and I haven’t had a need for that in about 2 months. However, the computer is a different story. I spend most of my time on the computer looking up stuff on So, to give an estimate of how long I could last without these technologies, I could probably last at least 2 weeks.

Ryan Y. said...

In modern-day America, the only plausible amount of time to go without electronic technology like TV and computer is probably a day. Modern technology is all around us, and we are so dependent on it that we definitely take it for granted. I have realized this by only a fraction of sacrifice, as I realized how much harder life can be by losing my cell phone about a month ago. The world has been built around such inventions, and TV, which is usually considered entertainment, becomes vital. Maybe you think you can get by like nothing for this time, but it is much easier said than done.
Life as we know it just wouldn’t be the same if we had to give up technology. The computer is a tiny library with so much expansion that opens so much to us. The cell phone not only connects you socially every day with your friends, but provides a more organized life for a child so they can connect with their parent or guardian. Video games are different, however, as some kids will find it much easier to give them up than others. Nevertheless, letting all forms of modern technology go for even a day would be surprisingly difficult. The answer I am posting on would not be possible. However, doing something like this, I could imagine, would be a very enlightening experience, because you would partially realize the difference between a “want” and a “need”, and you would see how much science has evolved in the past century (none of these existed in their current forms back then).

Anonymous said...

Hmm...I feel that as the people of the twenty-first century, it is physically impossible to give up any sort of technology. Our world has developed in so many ways, that technology has become a necessity more than the common generic response- “virtual social interaction.” --We use technology mainly for safety and awareness. Technology adds to our life, and has stamped itself on this generation. I mean because of technology we are able to do the things that we do, and kinda make the once impossible, possible. We can get so much more done with the recent innovations and applications, rather than walking to a friends house to ask a question. However, if people don’t use technology limitedly, I agree that it can be used against you. It can be harmful to yourself by making you lose the ability to communicate properly, and maintaining a face-to-face interaction. People nowadays use technology as an escape route to personal matters, and sticky situations- and sometimes this isn’t the best way to deal with them. So I guess I can say that technology is only beneficial when used limitedly and correctly.

Lara I said...

How long would you be willing to go without any sort of technology (includes computer, cell phone, games, etc.)? What would you do instead?

I would be willing to go without technology for about one or two weeks, maybe months. I would spend my time being creative! I would make board games, go outside, play hockey, play softball, and kick the soccer ball around. I think people would have a better life without any technology.

Jamie. D said...

I am going to be honest with you I don’t think I could a week or more without technology because I watch TV and the computer everyday after school so I can relax. I could probably go two weeks without technology because I don’t have a phone and I would play outside either go on a bike ride or play with my friends

Anonymous said...

-I could go for my entire life! I’ve never texted, don’t know how, don’t want to know. What happened to reading? There is Twilight Zone episode on which librarians are called obsolete. Who knows if, or gosh forbid when, this will happen. I’m perfectly okay with reading my Stephan King novels, thank you very much.

-Lauren H.

~Izzy~ said...

How long would you be willing to go without any sort of technology (includes computer, cell phone, games, etc.)? What would you do instead?

I wouldn’t be able to go a full day without tech. I would probably go into a horrible coma. It happened once to me when I went 3 days without computer. I cried my eyes out because computer is my LIFE. If you asked me what I loved most other than people/animals, I would say my computer. I would rather be a vegetarian. The thought of giving up computer…….it’s like a death thought. *shudder*
I love Skyping with my friends, we Skype EVERY DAY.

(P.S- Me and my friend’s Skype record is 5 hours. ;) ‘cos we’re talented like that)

Daniel W. said...

I would go for 3 days without technology and see if I would manage. I would probably only do my homework and play outside with my friends.

Rachel said...

I would not survive a minute with out electronics… it’s especially hard since my dad works with computers and everyday brings home new things such as an ipad, new phones, random computers. It would be torture!! And my phone is something I can’t live without. And the games on there are crazy addicting! This is what happens when you have an Iphone4:C

Carly C. said...

How long would you be willing to go without any sort of technology (includes computer, cell phone, games, etc.)? What would you do instead?

I honestly don’t think I’d be able to go for very long. I’m very dependent on my cell, t.v, and the computer. More than half of the things I do revolve around technology. The first thing I do when I get home is watch t.v. and eat a snack. Then, (after homework) I’ll probably play wii or on the computer. Yet, a lot of the things I do are without tech. (Even though I add t.v. to most of them) I’ll admit, I still play with barbies. I do! I love to draw, and play with my friends. The only way I’d get through even only a week without technology is if my friends were there to occupy me. I have a short attention span ;)

Meghan C. said...

I don’t really know how long I could go without using technology because I use it every day and it is something I do daily. But thinking about how one girl has been doing it for the past two months. I think I could go without technology for about 3-4 weeks! But then I would need some time back on it! In those 3-4 weeks I would go outside or play with my friends because I would be bored if I didn’t!

Joseph S said...

How long would you be willing to go without any sort of technology (includes computer, cell phone, games, etc.)? What would you do instead? I think I could go without technology for a year because I hardly ever go on my cell phone, games or computer. Instead of doing that I would play a board game if its raining or play outside if its sunny!

Sien W said...

I already don’t use technology that often. I don’t own a phone, no face book, and nothing like that. I use the computer for homework assignments. My biggest technology thing that I use would have to be the T.V! But I think I could go a very long time without technology. I have a lot of fun things that I could do, archery, board games, play with my pets, catch up on home work, play with my 3 siblings, and a lot more!

Kate K. said...

For me I’d go with out technology for about 1 or 2 days, maybe three days tops. If I were to go longer with out playing on the computer, I would play out side, go up to a friend’s house on my bike. A week before I have to go “unplugged” I would invite friends over, so I would have somebody to hang out with over the week. If I get bored I’d have know idea what to do, I have to figure that out.

Thomas D said...

If I had to give up technology I would be fine because I don’t have a phone or an Ipod. I am usually outside. Still, everyday we use it! I would be able to use it for at least four weeks. Instead of playing video games, I would go outside and play or I would play a board game with my family. Sometimes my Dad and I will go fishing together. We stay at least for 1-2 hours. I know I couldn’t stay with out Technology, that’s for sure!

Morgan J. said...

I think I could not use technology maybe about 2 weeks or 3! Because I usually go on the computer 1 or 2 times a week. But get T.V only at night for like a half an hour. Instead I would go outside or go to my friends or they will come to mine. I might also play a board game or be board out of my mind.

Kylie M. said...

Life without tech:

I would be willing to go without tech for a week or so. I think I would go longer if it were for a cause instead of for no reason at all of a teachers experiment. Instead of texting or going on the computer, for that week, I would hang out with friends and do other things that I would normally if I were texting at the time. I don’t think it would be easy at all because I am used to using my phone everyday after school.

Ian J. said...

How long would you be willing to go without any sort of technology (includes computer, cell phone, games, etc.)? What would you do instead?

Ian J.-I would not be able to be without technology for at least two weeks. However, I will be able for a little bit. I text, go on the computer, and watch TV. I love texting especially with my friends and more. Every morning I always watch TV and can’t live without it. And lastly, I love to go on the computer because there is so much to do on it. That is why I wouldn’t give up technology for more than two weeks

matt l said...

I would go 2 to 3 weeks long with out technology. Instead of having technology I would spend more time with my family, friends. That’s all I would do.

Mary Kate O. said...

Life Without Tech:

For me, life without technology would be tough. I don’t have an email, I don’t have a Facebook, I don’t have a Twitter, I only use the computer for school projects and to download songs on my Ipod. II don’t use the computer that often, so I would be OK without it. I use my cellular device a lot. Losing my cell phone would be hard for me, but I could probably handle it. I don’t play video games so I would definitely NOT miss that. Lastly, is TV. I watch television for about an 1 ½ everyday. So I probably wouldn’t miss that.
Electronics are a part of my life, but is not essential to me. I could probably live without technology for about 2 weeks. I would be able to go without them longer, but I like listening to music. Instead of using technology I would read books, play sports and be with my family. Surviving without technology wouldn’t be that hard.

Liam said...

How willing to go without any sort of technology (includes computer, cell phone, games, etc.)? What would you do instead?

Life without tech.

Well, I probably would just not be able to go without the computer, but very specific. When I had a phone, it didn’t feel like anything special. Also, my face book account isn’t that cool, so I guess I would be kind of easy. In its place I would probably ride my bike.

Bradley G. said...

Life without Tech,

I would probably go about two weeks. I go on a lot of hockey trips and I call home a lot. I also have an older brother in Florida and I call him a lot. This is why I can only go two weeks. I could go without texting but not without calling. I also use the computer a lot need it a lot for homework. In these two weeks I will play hockey and lacrosse more than I usually do.

Sami C. said...

Life Without Tech

How long would you be willing to go without any sort of technology (includes computer, cell phone, games, etc.)? What would you do instead?

I think I could go about a month without technology. If that would ever happen to me I would practice sports. I would practice baseball, football and basketball. I would also hang out with my friends, instead of texting them I could tell them ahead of time, maybe at school. Having no technology may be hard, but I think I can still go a month without my computer, cell phones, games, etc.

Kristina B. said...

I use technology everyday, so it would be hard to give it up. If I had to, I could go 4-7 days without electronics. Even though cell phones are handy, they are used too much, same with other electronics including computer, T.V., etc. Instead, I would exercise and hang out with my friends if I couldn’t use electronics.

Winston L. said...

I would be willing to go without any sort of technology for about a month. I would just read books instead of going on the computer and playing games/ watching TV. I would also just try to forget about everything with technology. However, if there was school homework that required computer homework, I would have to go on it. But, if I could have games and the computer (for games and homework only), I would be willing to go without anything else for a very, very long time.

Nick T. said...

I would go without technology for 5days. Instead, I would go outside more and focus more on school.

Kimberly.F :-) said...

I think I could go a month and a half without technology because I LOVE to read.
I’d also ride horses, ride horses some more, and ride even more horses!!!!!!!
I’d practice sewing too.

Fiona P said...

I would go as much as I had to. I would try to do my best but most likely not more than a month. If I’m encouraged to do something I will do it, but if I wasn’t encouraged I would be on the couch watching TV.

Emma L. said...

How long would you be willing to go without any sort of technology (includes computer, cell phone, games, etc.)? What would you do instead?

I could go for two and a half weeks because after school I have tons of sports. Horseback riding, swimming and gymnastics fill my schedule!

Julianna B. said...

I don’t own a cell phone so, there’s an easy one right there. I honestly think I could go a month and a half because I don’t really use the computer to much. I would read a book or try to teach my cat, Lilly, a trick or two though, that would be sort of difficult! :)

Max B said...

I would probably survive since I went 9 years without TV. Besides, all of the digital items listed are not necessary in our lives. I mean most of the things we all consider important in or lives are completely unnecessary, though I still like computers, TVs, video games, and all the other everyday digital devises.

Chris E said...

I’m sorry but I can’t live without technology. Technology is my life. I watch tv everyday and play with my itouch and xbox360 and computer. But if I could last without technology I would probably play football outside or some other outside activity.

Frankie Q :^)!!!! said...

I would most likely go about 1 to 2 days because I usually watch TV or play with games I really do stuff that uses technology. I don’t know what I would do with out technology.
I would look at a wall and sit most of the day.

Fiona P. said...

I would go as much as I had to. I would try to do my best but most likely not more than a month. If I’m encouraged to do something I will do it, but if I wasn’t encouraged I would be on the couch watching TV. I would also swim play soccer and of course have to go to school:):):):):):):):):)

Justin B said...

I think that I could not last very long without any technology. Because my cell phone is how me and my family get connected when I am not there. I could last without my computer and gaming systems because they are not a big part of my life. My answer is yes I can live without technology.

Steven V said...

I could probably last for a year. I would just chill with my friends and do the basics things. Just play more outside. We will not school so that will be bad. The fun part is we will ride horse everyday because we will have no cars.

Thomas h said...

How long would you be willing to go without any sort of technology (includes computer, cell phone, games, etc.)? What would you do instead?

I could probably go 23 hours and 50 min. without using any technology. The reason I can not 24 hours is because I can not go a day with out TV or the computer. Instead I would play out side, eat, sleep, and go to school.